This article concludes the Golang implementation that combines all the variations of the L#200 island problem: Features Included: Golang Implementation: Explanation: Example Output: Complexity Analysis: This Golang implementation is optimized for different…
Category: Tech Interviews
LC#695. Max Area of Island
Leetcode 695. Max Area of Island is an extension of the island problem where we need to find the largest island in a grid of 1s (land) and 0s (water). Problem Statement…
Leetcode 17 – Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
Description: Given a string containing digits from 2 to 9 inclusive, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent. Return the answer in any order. A mapping of digit to…
PrefixSum Algorithm
The Prefix Sum algorithm is a technique primarily used to efficiently calculate the sum of elements in a given range (i.e., sum of elements from index i to j) in an array….
Sliding Window Algorithms
The sliding window technique is a method used in algorithm design to efficiently solve problems that involve contiguous subarrays or substrings of a given size or condition. It’s particularly useful when you…
System Design – Design Instagram
Designing a system like Instagram involves several key components and considerations. Here’s a high-level overview of the elements and architecture you would need to consider: Requirements: Capacity Estimation Assume we have 100…
Elasticsearch Architecture
Elasticsearch is a powerful and versatile search and analytics engine known for its scalability, speed, and ease of use. Its architecture has several key components and features that make it suitable for…
[Draft]Algorithms that You Have to Know[in go]
Make duplicate to zero Bubble Sorting
System Design – Ad-click/ad-show System
Designing a high-performance, high-throughput, and accurate distributed ad-show/ad-click system involves several key components, including system architecture, database selection, scalability solutions, and fault tolerance mechanisms. Life Cycles of Log-lines Collecting logs from various…
System Design – Top Songs for Each User
Designing a system to find the top 10 songs for each user involves several components and considerations, especially regarding scalability, performance, and fault tolerance. Below is an outline of the system components,…